The beautiful humans behind the work
Meet our team
A diverse group of individuals from various backgrounds and expertise, each bringing unique skills and perspectives to our organization.
Our core team
Brandon Holmes
Junior Full Stack Developer
Diego Franco
Product Designer
Jennifer Freeman
Chief Executive Officer
John Jensen
Chief Operating Officer
Juan Correa
Lead Designer
Kimiya Missaghi
Continuous Discovery Lead
Ladi Onasanya
Product Manager
Rasmus Storjohann
Chief Technology Officer
Tank Sun
Junior Software Developer
Yao Mu
Marketing & Communications Manager
Board Members
Ashiq Ahamed
President of the Board
Bijan Pourkarimi
Board Director
Brian Bastien
Board Director
Elise Legarth
Board Director
SJ Kee
Board Director / Treasurer PGI
Simon Canning
President of PGI
Sonal Khosla
Board Director