Tank Sun
Junior Software Developer
Tank loves to utilize modern technology to help others solve their issues and reach their goals.

Tank became a member of PeaceGeeks as a junior developer and primarily works on the Welcome to Canada app which helps newcomers to Canada find information and services to settle down and live in a safe environment. As a newcomer, Tank found that this is extremely meaningful and useful. He is eager to use digital technologies to help people who are in similar situations and facing the challenges he once faced.

Before that, Tank got a master’s degree in electronic engineering from the University of Alberta and worked as a technical support specialist in LED Pros. He has a strong curiosity for new technology and a genuine desire to make a positive impact.

In his spare time, Tank loves to play basketball and watch basketball games. He is also a foodie, enjoying tasting new foods around the city.

Tank was born in China and lived there until 18 years old. To explore the world, he studied and lived in Japan for 7 years. In order to gain more experience, Tank came to Canada in 2018. He continuously deepen my understanding of different cultures and learn new ideas in this diverse environment.