Who we are
PeaceGeeks is committed to a world where everyone can feel they belong.
Founded in 2011, PeaceGeeks has grown from a grassroots volunteer group into a nonprofit leader in building technology for peace.
In the face of this crisis, we confront an urgency not only to strengthen our communities, but find ways amidst social isolation to leverage technology to amplify connection, justice, and peace.

Over the course of 2020, we’ve seen numerous examples of technology being harnessed for good. Where polarized narratives have sought to scapegoat minority communities, digital campaigns have emerged to condemn racism, educate one another about intersectional inequality, and build commitments to transform systems that perpetuate racial injustice.As we enter 2021, humanity’s sense of “peace” has taken on the urgent implications of a global pandemic. COVID-19’s myriad impacts to individual health, community well-being, local and transnational economies have been felt across the planet, amplifying pre-existing structural violence that disproportionately affects communities across racial, socio-economic status and gender lines.

PeaceGeeks knows that for digital innovation to be effective, there is a need for tech that centres community-led practices, and honours the lived experiences of displaced communities.

This also means identifying and repudiating "innovation" that reproduces racism and oppression.

PeaceGeeks is committed to a world where everyone can feel they belong.

By aligning our tech savvy with the expertise of our partners and those who have been forcibly displaced, we work side-by-side to build digital tools to support every phase of their journey, building more peaceful societies, together.
Our Vision
PeaceGeeks envisions a world where those who are displaced are not lost
Our Mission
We create digital tools to support greater connection, peace and safety for those who have been displaced
Why this work is needed
Every 2.5 seconds someone is forced to flee their home to escape conflict or persecution. Globally, more than 117 million people are displaced at the end of 2023. Meeting the world's growing needs requires amplifying what we know works, and identifying where technology may be able to help resource-intensive systems be more efficient and effective.

We're also seeing how technology is changing the face of conflict and crisis. Technology and digital tools are being employed in novel and critical ways to protect peace builders, defend human rights, counter misinformation, and transform divisive discourse to narratives for peace.
Our values
Build peace
Addressing the complex challenges of violence, displacement, and division in order to build more peaceful societies is not simple or easy. It requires creativity, tenacity, boldness, and humility. It involves redistributing power, building trust, and working with diverse stakeholders to co-create our shared future.
Our values
Centre hope
Focusing on violence and crisis can obscure the aspirations and agency that drive migration journeys. PeaceGeeks is committed to centering hope and human potential — working with those who have been displaced, not as victims in need of help, but as experts and engineers of their present and future.
Our values
Through mutually beneficial and respect-driven partnerships, we co-create solutions with the insights and expertise of newcomers, researchers, frontline organizations, policymakers, and other tech partners to deeply understand the needs and concerns of newcomers and how to address them.
an expressive oil painting of  humans studying in a classroom
Our values
We commit to agile processes that require learning from our partners and communities, as well as from our own successes and mistakes. We also commit to sharing what we learn with policymakers and the public to foster positive change that impacts refugee and immigrant journeys.
An expressive oil painting of a mother hugging and protecting her child against harm
Our values
Protect against harm
Tech and data can create harm by unintentional carelessness. Rapid innovations, experimentation and “failing” can have far reaching implications when applied to the contexts and lives impacted by displacement. In PeaceGeeks’ development of digital tools to promote more peaceful societies, we will prioritize user security, organizational transparency, and an exacting ethical standard to protect those we serve from foreseen harms.
Interview With Jen Freeman
Can you share the highlights of PeaceGeeks' achievements in 2022 and 2023 and what contributed to your success?

Absolutely. In these two transformative years, PeaceGeeks witnessed significant milestones, notably the expansion of our flagship Welcome to Canada app into Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario. This digital tool, previously known as the Arrival Advisor app, has become a cornerstone in the settlement sector, embodying our commitment to accessibility, inclusion, and innovation.

The platform’s success is a testament to the dedication of the PeaceGeeks team, the support of our partners, and the trust of our users. Together, we've created a digital ecosystem that not only facilitates the initial stages of settlement but also embodies a beacon of hope and inclusivity in an ever-changing world. The journey continues, and our commitment remains steadfast in empowering new beginnings and building a more connected and compassionate global community.

Could you provide insights into the Welcome to Canada app and its role in supporting newcomers?

The Welcome to Canada app is a comprehensive guide designed to facilitate the smooth transition of newcomers to Canada. Tailored to the diverse needs of immigrants, refugees, temporary foreign workers, and international students, the app offers invaluable resources and information.

In the past two years we’ve grown the app’s reach from just one province to five; we’ve doubled our user base and added multiple languages across provinces. We’ve also broadened the scope of our app by adding the Compare Canadian Cities tool that allows newcomers to compare factors of relocating in 16 cities across Canada and counting.

We’ve established a practice of interviewing users of the app to better understand how they’re using it and how it could better serve them, and will continue to iterate on the design of the app to make it more valuable for more folks across the globe.

How has PeaceGeeks contributed on an international scale?

PeaceGeeks has been globally recognized for its digital ecosystem model, receiving invitations to share our work in Germany, Poland, Mexico, and Greece.

Governments, innovators, and settlement organizations sought our expertise to build and implement digital solutions supporting immigrants and displaced populations. This recognition underscores the near universal need for digital information and resources for people who have been displaced and the potential for positive change on a global scale.

Could you share some insights into partnerships and collaborations PeaceGeeks has engaged in over the past year?

The geographic expansion of the app would not be possible without our valuable content partners across Canada. These include longtime partner the province ofBC, Immigrant Services Calgary and Catholic SocialServices in Alberta; Immigrant Women of Saskatoon in Saskatchewan, Manitoba Start, the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, Pathfinders for Ukraine, and Tarjimly.

Likewise, our Immentor research project is based on a partnership with Immigrant Networks and we are grateful to be learning with TRIEC, Archway Community Services, North York Community House, Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers, Social Enterprise for Canada, and South Okanagan Immigrant and Community Services, what a national mentorship platform could look like.

Our impact is amplified when we work together. We look forward to continuing to expand on our strategic partnerships with other organizations, agencies, and governments that align on our mission to build digital tools for more peaceful societies.

How can supporters and stakeholders get involved with PeaceGeeks in the coming year to contribute to our mission?

PeaceGeeks has long been a community of people who care about our mission, from volunteers to staff to board members. We’ll continue to ask our supporters to advocate for PeaceGeeks and the digital tools we make, on behalf of all newcomers to Canada and displaced people around the world.

Donations are always welcome, but we appreciate support in many forms. Our new Executive Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator has expanded PeaceGeeks’ capacity to engage with volunteers in a reciprocal learning environment. Our new Marketing and Communications Lead will invigorate our social media channels, so spread the word about what PeaceGeeks is up to. Your shares will bring the most amount of impact for the least amount of effort, and are greatly appreciated!